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Three Good (GREAT!) Things About the Just A Card Campaign

Please tell me you've heard about the Just A Card Campaign? If you follow me on social media there is no chance you've missed it. But for those of you who haven't, let me tell you about it. It's all about spreading the message about how we can support small business. With a purchase as small as "just a card", or just a pin, or just a notebook, or just a ring, etc. we can make a big difference to a small business. We can help keep the retail world both offline and online more exciting. Brighter. More fun. The campaign support is growing, and today is the first day of Just A Card Week. It will run from 18-22 June and if you follow along on social media you'll have the chance to discover loads of great small businesses. This post is Three Good (GREAT!) Things About the Just A Card Campaign.  

  1. It shouts LOUD about small businesses.
    The campaign is growing stronger and louder every day - with an engaged instagram following fast approaching 20k and loads of volunteers behind it who create images, blog posts, post out window stickers, run twitter hours, post about the campaign on social media and help spread the word. Every little bit of help to spread the word is very welcome. Make an image or share the images they post. Share social media posts you see about it. Tell all your friends about it. Talk to people about it. Get a sticker for your shop window. Print off a poster for your next market stall.    
  2. Lots of people are very proud to support it. 
    I was lucky enough to be asked to design a pin to help raise funds for the campaign. When I exhibited at a trade show last week, I was thrilled to see so many people proudly wearing their pins to support independents. Many who visited my stand and had photos taken with us all wearing our pins! The first batch of pins sold out in record time and the second batch is now available to buy at - but be quick as they were already selling quick last week when they got announced for pre-order. As the pins have been arriving through people's letterboxes I've been LOVING seeing everyone's photos and videos on instagram of them proudly wearing their pins. It really is something special that people are so happy to support. I've used it as a talking point on many occasions.   
  3. It's not just about one, it's about the many.  
    The more people who are involved in shouting about the importance of supporting independents, the better chance we have of helping those small businesses grow. The better chance we have of helping those small indie businesses from closing down. We can make these decisions every day and it doesn't need to cost us a fortune to do so. Got a friend with a birthday coming up? Why not check out the small indie card shop or gallery near you? Looking for a special gift? Head to the small businesses online. We may not be able to deliver within an hour, but we can definitely deliver something special.    

Sign up for the Just A Card newsletter when you visit their website. And go follow the Just A Card Campaign on instagram at - check out the hashtag #justacard to see what everyone is posting about. Get shouting, get sharing. Get involved and join the campaign to support independents. Join the Just A Card Campaign.  

Want an image to share but don't want to make your own? Scroll to the end of this post for a bunch of images I've done for the campaign.  Always happy for you to share - please credit as appropriate :)

Will you be taking part in Just A Card Week? Do you like to support independents?   

Chat with me on social media at:
or send me an email and let me know what you think!

It’d be great if you wanted to share this three good things post with three good people - just click the icon to share or copy and paste to include it in a post


Just A Card Week Image by Angela Chick

Just A Card Gold Star Image by Angela Chick

Just A Card Pledge to Support Independents by Angela Chick

Just A Card Image by Angela Chick

Just A Card Who's With Me Image by Angela Chick

Just A Card Coffee Image by Angela Chick

Just A Card Campaign Image by Angela Chick