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Three Good Things About Autumn

This week is the last week of Summer - so for that very reason I’m sharing Three Good Things About Autumn. Anyone who knows me knows how much I love the Summer. It really is my favourite season. I love the sun and warmth so much, and I love how much easier everything is when you can exist in nothing but a swimsuit or shorts and a tshirt. I feel better in the Summer. It's easier to wake up. But you know what? I've always loved Autumn as well. Growing up in Canada, Autumn was the most beautiful season. The trees were showing off their bright colours, leaves were falling, there was the smell of campfire smoke in the air and Halloween was just around the corner. Not to mention - pumpkin flavoured EVERYTHING. It was the time of year when you stopped sticking to every surface you touched. You finally pulled a cosy jumper on over your favourite tshirt and the kettle was always on. Once I get to a point (which yes, at the age of 32 still comes every year) where I let go of Summer for the year and accept Autumn, I remember how awesome it is. Here are a few things I love about the Autumn.  

OK, so after camping on my birthday in January at the beginning of this year, I know I can camp all year round. Autumn camping however, is something truly special. It's the first time the super warm cosy jumpers come out. It's the first time the campfire is more of a necessity to sit around and keep warm. The evenings are getting darker and the sun doesn't rise quite as early. The hot weather of Summer is incredible, but not always great for sleeping in a tent. The cooler weather makes for brilliant sleeping conditions and you get the excuse to wrap up extra warm in all your cosy layers. I’ll be out camping as much as possible in Autumn to take  advantage of the loveliness. 

Shorts and jumpers. 
I remember a friend commented on my shorts a few years back. They noticed that in Spring and Autumn I wear my "long shorts", whereas I have shorter shorts for Summer. I found this hilarious. I do love wearing shorts and I wear them for as much of the year as possible. I find them much more comfortable than full length jeans and once Summer comes (or even a warm Spring) I don't like to wear anything that goes beyond the knee. My staple uniform for Summer is denim shorts and a bright t-shirt of some description. Come Autumn, my wonderful collection of jumpers gets to take centre stage. I have so many warm woolly jumpers and I really love the first few days of getting to wear them when the cooler weather comes in. I didn't quite manage to wait until Autumn for this as I did a campout over the weekend and needs must - I had to break out a warm jumper for it.   

Running gets easier. In fact, doing anything physical gets easier.  
We had quite the heatwave this year. Many everyday tasks got much more difficult. I spent many a run during the heatwave wondering if this was going to be my last. Feeling like I would never drink enough water to feel hydrated again. My goal was to be able to run 10 miles by October because I wanted to run the Great South Run. I ran more than 10 miles during the heatwave, so I can check that one off my list before October. In October, I'll be celebrating my one year anniversary of running. Instead of going to the Great South Run (because I didn't check my calendar before booking!) I'm going to spend it with my friend at Wild & Well Festival taking part in all kinds of fun fitness classes and adventure activities. I guess when I do an event it'll have to be a half marathon then, huh? Next goal sorted.  

I would LOVE to hear your thoughts on Autumn. Are you a lover or a hater? What do you look forward to? What do you dread? What will you eat?!

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