This was originally going to be me sharing three songs from my gym playlist but then WHICH gym playlist did I share them from? And how am I supposed to narrow it down to three? So I decided to share snippets from three different TYPES of playlists I have.
In case you can’t guess from that, I LOVE music. I have done from a very young age. I remember dancing around the house as a child feeling absolutely electric when my dad would play me Patti Smith, Joni Mitchell and Ian Dury. My dad’s love of music definitely rubbed off on me.
Throughout the years as I’ve moved around I’ve always been lucky to find myself surrounded by music. I grew up in Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada, which had an incredible live music scene. I was super spoiled with all the brilliant bands I got to grow up with. Moving around to Montreal, Toronto and then over to the UK, I saw amazing music and got to meet so many incredible people through going to gigs. Fast forward to university and I remember making a great friend by wearing a band t-shirt – he came up and asked if I liked their side project. We became friends straight away.
I remember how annoying it used to be when you’d ask someone what kind of music they liked and they’d say “oh, I like everything”. I definitely don’t like everything. What I like, I really like and what I don’t like? I really don’t like.
My soundtrack varies, just as my life does. The music I listen to at the gym, I could never listen to while I’m working. Just the same, the music I listen to while I’m working I could never listen to at the gym. They create different moods for me entirely.
Here are some selections from different playlists of mine. Oh and just as a warning, a lot of the gym playlist has explicit lyrics. They’re in no particular order, just the order they came on shuffle for me (I had to remove SOME decision making from this! Haha)
- Kanye West - Stronger
- Kendrick Lamar - DNA
- Herobust – Skurt Reynolds
- Run The Jewels – Oh My Darling Don’t Cry
- Childish Gambino – You See Me
- Think About Life – Set You On Fire
- Future Islands – Seasons (Waiting On You)
- Grimes - Oblivion
- deadmau5 – One Trick Pony
- Azealia Banks - 212
- Real Estate – Fake Blues
- Slaraffenland – Down Down Down
- The National - Runaway
- Explosions in the Sky – So Long, Lonesome
- Mogwai – Friend of the Night
Oh and a bonus round: 3 brilliant musicians I’ve seen live.
Patti Smith
Minus The Bear
Danny Brown
I’d love any suggestions of songs to add to my various playlists or music I should be listening to. Send me a message on social media at the links below or send me an email!
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