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Three Things That Happened on 30th April in History

Today I’m sharing Three things that happened on 30th April in history. Why? Well, why NOT? When I was a kid I used to love these little things where you could see what happened on this date in history, so I decided to share some things. 

  1. The ice cream cone made its debut in 1904.  
    Can you imagine being the first person to get to eat an ice cream from an ice cream cone? Food that comes in an edible container. Oof! I will have to get an ice cream to celebrate this week. 
  2. The largest banana split ever (455 miles long!) was made in Pennsylvania in 1988. 
    I would have been 2 years old at the time. I can't even comprehend what 455 miles of banana split would look like but oh my - would I ever like to have a bite. 
  3. The worldwide web was born at CERN in 1993. 
    What a time to be alive! I remember using the internet as a kid and being so amazed at how much information it contained. Admittedly, these days it's something we take for granted but as a child knowing that I no longer had to look in my encyclopaedias for the information I wanted was pretty neat. Even if it did take ten times longer and I could rarely find what I wanted.  

Got any interesting facts about certain dates in history? Which would you prefer - a banana split or an ice cream cone?  

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or send me an email and let me know what you think!

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