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Three Things To Talk About in Letters

Growing up in the 90s, I was lucky to have a number of penpals. I also moved around quite a bit and kept in touch with friends by writing letters and sending care packages. I guess you can get a good idea why I have such a soft spot for stationery. Sure, there were computers and video games and all sorts of things to distract kids but not quite like there is today. Not nearly as many people write letters these days - choosing to go for the more immediate communication options like texting and emailing. There is a lot of research behind the positive mental health impact that writing and receiving letters can have on us. A question I have often been asked is "but what do I say in a letter?"

9th October is #WorldPostDay so I thought I'd take the opportunity to share Three Things To Talk About in Letters. I've taken these from the letter writing inspiration sheet that comes in my Write More Letters Stationery Set. Now the weather is cooling off, it's a great opportunity to pick up a piece of paper and a pen and get writing. I've also added Mix & Match Bundles of cards to the shop in case you'd rather use a card to send your message. They're all blank inside so you can write quite a bit in there!

Now... onto the letter writing inspiration...

What was your favourite birthday ever? What happened?

What is your morning routine like? What is your bedtime routine like?

What are three things you are grateful for today?

Sending a letter doesn't have to be difficult. Sure, if your penpal is your best friend you might already know the answers to these questions. But for the rest of us, it's a great excuse to get to know a friend or family member. What are you waiting for? For less than £1 and 10 minutes of your time you can send a letter, you can make someone's day. The best bit? You might even get one back! 


Do you write letters?
What do you like to talk about in your letters?

Chat with me on social media at:
or  send me an email and let me know!


It’d be great if you wanted to share this three good things post with three good people - just click on the icons below or copy and paste  - thanks!